Lesotho is truly a beautiful country, unlike any other on the continent of Africa. With 2/3 of the country mountains, you can't help but appreciate the beauty of God's creation. For the team from University of Botswana, it was amazing coming from the relatively flat, arid, desert land of Botsw to the high mountains with beautiful flowing streams. We were truly blessed as we served along side their team and the Flora family.
After returning to Maseru to fly to Matsaile Health Post on Thursday, I returned to Katse to complete the week with the team. Sally stayed the whole 9 days helping Teresa and ministering with the team. Friday we pony trekked into one last village. On Saturday Jim and Teresa had all of us head to the river to have a time of quiet reflection on what God had been doing in the villages and in our own lives. It was a great time to relax and pray and praise God. After a picnic we headed over to the village of Ha Kinini where the Floras have been doing a bible study and kids program for almost 2 years. The kids were excited to see the team arrive and
really got into the songs and games and the bible story that Andrew (Team Leader) told them. I got to do what I enjoy - pray while the team was ministering, encourage them, and hold a little
boy sick with flu as he fell asleep in my arms.
I prayed that God would be gracious in his life to allow him to grow up healthy to a point where he could choose to be a follower of Jesus. Life expectancy in Lesotho is only in the mid 30s, and unless he chooses to follow God's safe and life-giving ways, he will end up like 28% of the population, infected with HIV. I thank God for the Flora family and for the pastors and leaders they are training in the mountains of Lesotho. And I thank God for the Botswana University Team for their willingness to come share the good news in Lesotho.
God bless and enjoy this great season of celebrating the coming of the King of Kings. It is truly amazing - Emmanuel - God with us!
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