Thursday, March 25, 2010

Major Cutbacks in LFDS Services

Sorry for the tardiness in posting what has been happening in our lives. I have been consumed with trying to convince the gov't that a 60% cut in our flying budget for the next fiscal year (begins April 1) will result in massive changes and suffering. From what I understand (it is possible I don't have the whole story), the whole gov't is under tight budget scrutiny by IMF and World Bank, and various gov't entities have taken big budget cuts for this new fiscal year. Even though I submitted last August a request for increased funding for our flying component, I just found out two weeks ago that our budget was cut 60% from what we were able to spend this year.

So, I have spent the past two weeks going over finances, programs, invoices, etc. to see what we can do with the money they have budgeted. A large portion of our flying budget (80%) goes to transporting sick patients to/from the mountains. That cost is more than what we are given for next year so something has to change. The Lesotho Flying Doctor Services program is expensive as it involves flying, but it is the Lesotho Government's program. It costs money to fly sick people, clinic staff and immediate family, Doctor Team, Public Health Team, Environmental Health Team, Cargo (drugs, coal, wood, gas, food, coffins). It is heart wrenching to have to make these cuts but that is my responsibility as Manager, LFDS.

So, beginning April 1st, we will only fly what we call Code-1 patients. Those that have life threatening emergencies out of the mountain clinics. For example a pregnant mother whose labor is problematic as she can't give birth the normal way; or the man we flew out Wednesday that was semi-comatose; or the infant with pneumonia who needs hospitalization, etc.
Hopefully all will survive and we will be able to fly them back to their mountain clinics to get to their homes.

As far as the Doctor Team, we will continue to fly to the two health posts as they are places that have no clinic except what we provide when we go there twice a month. We will also go once a month to the two mountain clinics where there is no doctor stationed. The Public Health Care team (two nurses who do vaccinations and pre-natal care) will continue to go to the two health posts once a month. We will stop our services of eye care and dental care in the 7 mountain clinics that have a doctor stationed there. We will continue to fly our LFDS staff that work in the mountain clinics in and out on a monthly basis as per their agreement. And we will try our best to get the cargo where it needs to go as well.

These are drastic measures that have to be taken in order to provide some basic services throughout the coming fiscal year. I will be meeting again today with the gov't to 'beg' for the money to be able to do at least what we did this past fiscal year, but I am not very confident they will find the money.

Please join me in prayer in interceding for the Mountain Basotho as they will suffer from these cut backs, and for our LFDS staff as they also see the suffering. I'll keep you posted if things change.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dr. Pepper,

Thinking of you over here at PIH and hoping something, anything works out!


Ingrid said...

My name is Ingrid, and I work at Hesperian, publishers of Where There Is No Doctor and many other books on health. Did you know that many of our books are available for free download, here?

Using our books, people in poor communities have set up their own health programs and clinics, and they have learned the best way to medically treat themselves and each other, according to the specific conditions and needs of their communities. I hope you'll check out the free downloads and that you'll consider using our free materials - they really do work! And if, someday, you ever do get the funding, the profits we make on the sale of our books goes, in part, to sending free books to people who can't possibly afford them.



Jena Tager said...

We had a mission night for my Sunday School class last night - and I prayed for you,Sally, Adam,Megan, and Kelly :) I miss you guys and love you so much.

I also wanted to say that I heard that Justin M. was coming to work with you ya'll. I meet him in S.A. when he did HandsOn. Awesome guy!!! You will love him!

Hugsssssssssssss, Jena