Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Awakened in the night

Last night was interesting.  Around 3AM local time I was awakened by the sounds of automatic and semi-automatics weapons  at a distance.  It went on for what seemed to be about 15-20 minutes, then stopped.  In our 12 years in Africa I have to say that it is not unusual to hear gun shots in the night.  But this was a bit different as it was more extended with automatic fire.  We are currently staying in housing consisting of a two story townhouse flat.  Our bedroom window looks out over an open area (the municipal golf course) and so sound travels. On nights when there is a big party at the Maseru club (about 1/2 mile away) it sounds like they are in our back yard.  So being awakened by gun fire was not too surprising, yet we know it is serious.  We regularly pray for peace to prevail and God's ways to be followed, but we also know the history of many of the African nations.
   According to the local papers and some of the Basotho we have talked to, there was an attempt on the life of the Prime Minister at his house (in the middle of Maseru town).  There was also unrest near two of the military barracks.  The one barracks is at the airfield that MAF and the military share.  Good news is that the Prime Minister is fine, and as far as we can tell, only a few were killed.  According to the 'word on the street', the opposition party is still not happy about some things that were decided in 2007 and decided to take matters in their own hands.
 I car pool with some of the MAF team to work in the mornings and we drove past the PM's compound and saw bullet holes in the gated area and lots of soldiers with weapons visible.  There were several police/military check points on the road, but things were calm.  By midday things seemed to be back to 'normal' for Maseru. 
  Not to worry about things here as we place our trust in the Lord who is sovereign.  We have placed our lives in His hands and trust him for our safety.  We do continue to pray for this nation that the people would repent and turn to God to experience 'life abundantly' as the Gospel writer John records.  That 'abundant life' is the kind of life that God intends for all people that choose to follow him.  The root word is descriptive of 'a god-designed life that is full' not so much 'biological life.'  And so we continue to place our faith in Jesus Christ and follow his ways (I like to call it the Jesus-agenda) seeking the abundant life.  As you have a few minutes, take time to pray for God's peace for the Basotho and for the country of Lesotho.
 Daily by His grace...

1 comment:

Todd and Louise Thornton said...

We are praying for your safety and protection in North Carolina. Thanks for staying the course!
Todd and Louise Thornton
(Jena Tager's parents)