Friday, August 28, 2009

A very quiet house...

Things are really quiet here at the house now.  Just Sally and I and the two dogs.  Things have been loud and fun over the past weeks.  We've been so busy with Megan and Kelly here that I haven't updated our blog.  I know, pretty lame excuses for not blogging…So we’re lousy at blogging.  Actually we have been having so 

much fun with our two daughters being here this summer (our winter) that I haven’t taken time to update.  Yeah, another excuse…So now I have no excuse as they are not at the house now.  Megan is back in Dakar Senegal for a second semester study abroad.  She's really excited to be back in Dakar again, especially after winter here (it's in the high 80s in Senegal). 

Kelly's back in the USA to begin her second year at Taylor University in Indiana.  This weekend she's with  her brother Adam in DC for a visit before she goes back to school.  It was a really cool surprise gift that her aunt and uncle gave her in order to see her brother.  Adam has begun his MPH/PA graduate program at George Washington U

niversity but had a weekend available to show his little sister around the sights of DC and have some fun.

Just before Megan and Kelly left for the US we had a great weekend in the mountains of Lesotho with the Dial and Flora family – part of our mission family.  We celebrated Alan’s birthday, the Flora’s anniversary, and Annah and Gracie Flora’s GA advancement (GA is a Baptist program called Girls in Action and teaches about missions). We had an amazing time together meeting as a team and as friends.  At tons of food, laughed a lot, prayed together, and talked about ways to get the gospel good news message to the Basotho people.

So now, it’s time for Sally and I to get back to intense language study (Sesotho) and cultural learning.  Next blog I'll share what the future holds for Lesotho Flying Doctor Services.